B1 - Empowering women as agents of better health

Conference Hall A - Section D

Organised by the FIP Bureau, in collaboration with FIP’s Health and Medicines Information Section


Ema Paulino (FIP, Portugal) and Zuzana Kusynová (FIP, Netherlands)


Although there are different perceptions between men and women as to what is considered social responsibility, it is always considered as the primary responsibility of women across societies. Most of the time, across most cultures and settings, more women are responsible for caring for their families than men, both the adults and the children, and therefore have a social responsibility that the entire community must embrace. Women more often teach hygiene, good eating habits and disease prevention to the people under their care. Women have a special place in health care because they are the non-professional caregivers who interact the most with healthcare professionals. Women can convey skills and improve their own abilities through new skills. Women are most often the ones who go to pharmacies, handle medicines on behalf of their families and play a crucial role in achieving the responsible use of medicines.

Therefore, efforts to build a strong alliance between women and pharmacists can be a powerful weapon in the fight to expand the responsible use of medicines and, by extension, to improve public health worldwide. That is why pharmacists must provide women with the tools, training and knowledge to empower them as authentic champions of health.

This session aims to highlight the role of the pharmacist in empowering women to be agents of change in the healthcare of societies.


14:30 – 14:35 Introduction by the chairs

  1. 14:35 – 15:00 Introduction of the roles of the pharmacist in empowering women to be authentic champions of change in the healthcare of their family and community – Key findings of FIP report
    Parisa Aslani (FIP HaMIS, Australia)
  2. 15:00 – 15:25 The role of the pharmacist and the healthcare team in delivering services to educate women about healthcare:
    • Highlight of services in existence in Costa Rica
      Sofia Segura (College of Pharmacists of Costa Rica, Costa Rica)
    • 15:25 – 15:50
      Highlight of services in existence in Africa and Middle East
      Nsovo Mayimele (Women Deliver, South Africa)

15:50 – 16:10 Coffee/tea break

  • 16:10 – 16:35 Highlight of services in existence in Europe / Canada / America
    Régis Vaillancourt (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Canada)
  1. 16:35 – 17:20 Panel discussion with the audience about the key components of strategies and/or services that pharmacists can deliver to educate women and empower them in the healthcare of their family and community
    Moderator: Sandra Carey (McCann Health Global Pharmacy, USA)

17:20 – 17:25 Conclusion by the chairs

17:25 – 17:30 Room refresh

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the role of the pharmacist within a collaborative multidisciplinary healthcare team to empower women as authentic champions of change
  2. Discuss the key features of existing programmes delivered by pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to empower women
  3. Explore strategies that can be delivered at local, regional and national levels to empower women as champions of change.

Type of session: Knowledge-based