C3 - Tackling the equity issue: Global challenges for women in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences

Conference Hall B1

Organised by FIPEd, in collaboration with FIP’s Academic Pharmacy Section, the Community Pharmacy Section, the Hospital Pharmacy Section, IPSF and the YPG


Ema Paulino (FIP, Portugal) and Claire Anderson (University of Nottingham, UK)


Achieving gender equity in the health workforce is a global priority as set by the World Health Organization, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the International Labour Organization. FIP is a leading partner in this call for action. FIP’s Workforce Development Goal 10 (Gender and diversity balances) calls for countries to have clear strategies for addressing gender and diversity inequalities in pharmaceutical workforce development, continued education and training, and career progression opportunities.

FIP workforce data shows that the majority of the global pharmaceutical workforce are women with year on year increases in this proportion. Despite this, women are underrepresented in management and leadership positions, in a diversity of settings with a diversity of scope of practice — a reflection of gender issues across the whole of the global health and social workforce. The increasing proportion of women in the workplace provides wide-ranging and significant challenges for our healthcare professions.

This session provides a scoping overview of the state of gender equity in the pharmaceutical workforce, addressing and discussing barriers and opportunities for empowering women in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences. WHO and FIP initiatives on gender equality will be discussed. This session will feature a high-level global panel and interactive activity with the audience. The session will provide a platform for the WHO Gender Equity Hub and our work alongside this major initiative, and will build on the #EquityRx campaign started at the 2018 FIP congress in Glasgow.



09:00 – 09:10 Introduction by the chairs

  1. 09:10 – 09:35 Overcoming gender inequities in the health workforce
    Tana Wuliji (World Health Organization, Switzerland)
  2. 09:35 – 09:55 Gender equity in the pharmaceutical and healthcare workforce: Monitoring progress and challenges
    Catherine Duggan (FIP, The Netherlands)
  3. 09:55 – 10:20 Pakistan’s National Alliance for Women in Pharmacy: Leading by example for health professional bodies
    Nadia Bukhari (Pakistan Pharmacist Association & UCL School of Pharmacy, Pakistan)

10:20 – 10:40 Coffee/tea break

10:40 – 11:50

  1. Overcoming barriers in pharmaceutical practice, education and science
    Panel discussion:
    Claire Thompson (Agility Health Tech, UK)
    Nadia Bukhari (Pakistan Pharmacist Association & UCL School of Pharmacy, Pakistan)
    Israel Bimpe (Zipline International Inc., Rwanda)
    Patricia Acuña Johnson (University of Valparaiso, Chile)
    Aya Jamal (International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation, Sudan)

11:50 – 11:55 Conclusion by the chairs

11:55 – 12:00 Room refresh

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the global state of gender equity in global health and leadership
  2. Inform others about the progress and state of women workers in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences
  3. Describe leadership development experiences and challenges from different pharmacy sectors.

Type of session: Knowledge-based